10th ward candidates sweat it out: two weeks for vote count decision

By Lizz Giordano and Meghan Tribe It’s not over yet for voters on the Southeast Side. The Chicago Board of Elections Commissioners gathered Wednesday at 1869 W. Pershing Rd. to recount two ballot boxes from the 10th ward aldermanic runoff. The race pitted 16-year incumbent Ald. John A. Pope against public school counselor and political […]
Job openings hit 15-year high in February

By Yimian Wu U.S. job openings in February reached the highest level since January 2001, while the numbers of hires and quits fell slightly compared with January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. On a seasonally adjusted basis, job openings rose 3.4 percent from January to 5.1 million in February. That compared with 4.1 […]
VIDEO: Local network to help LGBTQ people seek asylum

By Yanqing Chen Being LGBTQ can lead to imprisonment and even the death penalty in many countries in the world, including Africa, India and Russia. According to Heartland Alliance, more than 1,000 people flee to the United States every year to seek asylum because of their sexual orientation. They don’t have any governmental or organizational support […]
VIDEO: Homan Square allegations spark protests

By Janel Forte The Chicago Police Department Homan Square facility located at the corner of Fillmore and Homan is alleged to be a ‘secret site’ where police use illegal interrogation tactics and deny detainees basic constitutional rights such as a phone call or an attorney. Allegations that the building is home to a Guantanamo Bay-style black […]
VIDEO: Victory for Rahm, voter questions: Electioncast 2015

In our last electioncast, we wrap up the mayoral candidates’ post-election events as Mayor Emmanuel celebrates his victory, look into concerns over voter fraud, and recap the voters’ most important issues.
VIDEO: Fleeing War, a Syrian Family Makes a New Home in Illinois

By Noor Wazwaz March marks the fourth year of the Syrian war. The United Nations estimates that nearly 4 million people have fled since 2011 due to the fighting. Noor Wazwaz spent time with one of these refugee families here in Chicago.
VIDEO: Chicago woman takes on male-dominated tech industry to help patients

By Xiaolan Tang While many women are leaving the technology industry, Alexandra Goodwin is going against the trend. With an academic background in astrophysics and business and having struggled in the industry for more than seven years, Goodwin started her own tech company which specializes in healthcare one year ago. For her, establishing a technology […]
CPD officers get fitted for new bulletproof vests

By Empriss Campbell When most people think of police equipment they think of a gun, but another important item is a bulletproof vest and they don’t come cheap. A bulletproof vest costs more than $500 and it needs to be replaced every five to seven years due to heat, moisture, storage and daily use. Some […]