Hyde Park Art Center launches new wing and a time capsule

By Traci Badalucco “What’s going to happen when we’re gone and they break open this box? What’s going to be peoples’ reactions,” said Juan Giraldo, a photography student at Columbia College Chicago. Giraldo and more than 300 art enthusiasts turned out recently week to see the unveiling of a multi-million dollar expansion project, including the time capsule […]
VIDEO: Chicago stargazers want to bring back the night sky

By Yining Zhou Chicago is missing the stars, and Audrey Fischer wants them back. As the President of Chicago Astronomical Society, Fischer started a project called “One Star at a Time” to raise awareness about the need to reduce light pollution and bring back starlight for future generations. Serious light pollution has made star gazing […]
Millennials want houses despite falling homeownership rate

By Yimian Wu Despite the falling U.S homeownership rate and the rise of the sharing economy, owning a home is still part of the American dream for most Millennails, the 20- and 30- somethings. A random sampling of college students in downtown Chicago shows a majority plan to purchase a home in the future. The […]
VIDEO: High school student-athletes raise academic bar

By Connor Morgan Studies show that student-athletes are improving the graduation rate at Chicago Public Schools. CPS observes a “no pass, no play” policy, meaning students must earn a 2.0 gpa and pass 25 credit hours to be eligible to compete.
VIDEO: Hollywood director creates black superhero

By Aisha I. Jefferson You’ve heard of Superman, Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk, Eric Dean Seaton hopes to add a black superhero to the list. He recently showcased his three-volume graphic novel series at the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo.