Experts divided on whether oil ETFs could exacerbate oil price swings

By Lucy Ren Oil exchange-traded funds, a type of marketable security that mostly invest in oil derivatives, has gained immense popularity from recent rounds of oil price swings. However, market experts are still unsettled about whether the rising popularity of oil ETFs could have exacerbated the fluctuations in the price of oil.
VIDEO: Latest data is sobering news for entrepreneurs

By Andrew Fowler Entrepreneurs considering starting a business have always had to weigh the risks against the potential rewards, but most recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau, released last year, is sobering news for startups. In 2008, during the height of the recession, the rate of businesses failing exceeded the rate of new businesses being […]
VIDEO: Chicagoans rappel down 27-story building to raise money for respiratory health

By Mathias Meier More than 50 altruistic daredevils brought some extra excitement to State and Lake streets last Sunday as they rappelled down the Wit Hotel’s outside wall.