Medical Experts Fail to Agree on Mammogram Guidelines

By Stephanie Golden Women remain confused about mammograms as leading medical organizations failed to reach a consensus this week. “Given the differences among current organizational recommendations on breast cancer screening, we recognize that there may be confusion among women about when they should begin screening for breast cancer,” said Dr. Mark DeFrancesco, president of the […]
Autonomous car features have some buyers reaching for steering wheel

By Siri Bulusu Technology comes first at the Chicago Auto Show this week with car makers showing off autonomous safety features, ranging from self-braking systems to radar cruise-control. Semi-autonomous safety features, such as anti-lock breaks and airbags, are standard staples in cars, indicating increased dependence on built-in safety features, but 2016 marks the official advent […]
Inside Syria: Trapped on the frontlines of war

By Neil Murthy What is life like for the thousands of Syrians who have not left their country but are displaced at camps on the fringes of their own borders? As the Syrian civil war enters its fifth year, the devastation in the country continues to escalate a humanitarian crisis with the largest displacement of […]
Listening to the universe – black holes give us ears to gravitational waves

By Danielle Prieur Scientists detected the gravitational light waves from two colliding black holes more than a billion light-years away. That means it took more than a billion years for that light to reach detectors on Earth. Yet the timing was perfect for physicist Gabriela Gonzalez, a professor at the Louisiana State University’s Department of Physics and […]