Seniors: In the games of Uno — and life — reversals are quite expected

By Hannah Gebresilassie Studies show laughter leads to a healthier lifestyle, especially with seniors. And that simple reality made for an exciting, laughter-filled match of Uno at Pomeroy Apartments — with positive health benefits to boot — on a snowy game night Feb. 24. Chicago Cares, a public and community service organization, hosts a monthly game […]
Bill Clinton campaigns for his wife in Evanston

By Caroline Kenny Former President Bill Clinton says experience makes his wife the best choice for the Democratic nomination for president. He cites the programs she enacted as First Lady and her job with the Children’s Defense Fund right out of law school as points on her presidential resume. In a speech to a full […]
From ‘scam’ to scholarship: How one student attended college thanks to ‘League of Legends’

By Tolly Taylor When Carl Leone’s father heard his son had received a scholarship to attend Robert Morris University, he didn’t believe it. After all, the scholarship was for video gaming. “Just don’t give them any personal information, don’t give away your address, because this might be a scam,” Leone’s father, also named Carl, said […]
Chicago graduates catch startup fever

By Sony Kassam and Sarah Very When most people think of entrepreneurship, images of Silicon Valley tech startups, battling it out to be the next unicorn, come to mind. What they might not consider are the growing startups in the Windy City — a food, healthcare and manufacturing hub with some of the top business […]
Analysis: Why the open water events will captivate Olympic audiences

By Peter Dawson And the award for the most intriguing draw of the 2016 Summer Olympics goes to… Surprise, the open water events. Sailing, rowing and the 10-kilometer swim certainly don’t offer the same excitement as watching Usain Bolt running the 400m, or Team USA Basketball going for a third straight gold medal. Analysis What […]
State Budget miscarriage might see more HIV positive babies

By Ruojing Liu “They saved my life.” When LeSherri James was pregnant with her first baby in 2003, the homeless 21-year-old HIV positive mother-to-be was not left to face the pregnancy on her own. Anne Statton and the Pediatric AIDS Chicago Prevention Initiative (PACPI) she led was there to help. The organization helped James through […]
Asian American community members unite against Anita Alvarez

By Shanshan Wang Accusing Anita Alvarez of inaction during police brutality investigations, two dozen Asian Americans protested in downtown Chicago Tuesday against the incumbent Cook County State’s Attorney. Participants, mostly young people from a variety of communities, chanted “Anita Alvarez must go” in English as well as in Korean, Cantonese, Bangla and Tagalog. Their hope […]
World Cup of Hockey expected to excite Blackhawks fans

By Erin Barney Champagne dripped from the ceiling. Table tops were used for celebratory dances. Glass snapped and cracked under the weight of more dancing on the ground. The Ogden Chicago, a bar near the United Center, was in a state of chaos on a night last June. But it didn’t matter. The Chicago Blackhawks […]
Local communists have no faith in coming elections

By Enrica Nicoli Aldini It is International Women’s Day, and Revolutionary Communist Party supporters are gathered at Revolution Books, a small volunteer-run bookstore in Noble Square, to discuss the “rampant degradation of women” and share the belief that no social change is ever achieved by traditional politics. As volunteers pass around a basket asking for […]
Serving Curiosity

By Ashesha Mehrotra The human race is born curious. But when answers are valued more than questions, humans forget to ask and be curious. This is exactly where the founding team of saw a business opportunity. To inspire people, teach them something new everyday is the motto of this online content curation platform that […]