Puerto Rico loses power again: Explosion and fire cut electricity to 10 municipalities

Text by Shelby Fleig, Elizabeth Beyer and Hannah Wiley Audio by Sofi LaLonde and Griselda Flores Medill Reports [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/399199284″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /] An explosion and fire at the Monacillo power station in San Juan caused power outages across 10 municipalities late at night on Feb. 11, a reminder that even in areas […]

Deciphering Cuba: Of streets, gardens, churches and kitchen tables

This is the continuation of a multi-part series on Cuba. Read the previous collection of vignettes: “Of democracy, dogs, and WiFi: Scenes from Cuba” Cuba through a cereal box periscope HAVANA – Cuba’s capital is defined by its veneer. American tourists experience Havana from the vantage point of a cereal box periscope. Freshly waxed Chevrolets […]

Interactive: NBA Twitter buzz during All-Star Weekend 2018

By Jourdan Kerl, Daniel Comer, Jonathan Skinner and Connor Yahn Medill Reports The NBA has placed an emphasis on Twitter involvement since the social media boom of the mid-to-late 2000s. The league – which has more than 27 million Twitter followers (three million more than the NFL) – is known as the paragon of social […]

The Phoenix Suns’ Devin Booker Catches Fire in the NBA 3-Point Contest

By Hogan Davis Medill Reports The roar of the crowd increased incrementally as ball after ball swished through, as if the rim didn’t exist. Each shot caused the decibel level in the Staples Center to rise until the final moneyball found the bottom of the net. That flame-throwing final round by the Phoenix Suns’ Devin […]

Tobias Harris’ day of service brings fun moments for him and his father

By Patrick Engel Medill Reports COMPTON, Calif. – Torrel Harris hopped into a Mercedes van Friday morning, unsure of its exact destination. He knew he and his son, Los Angeles Clippers forward Tobias Harris, were going to a Compton school as part of Friday’s NBA Cares day of service. He had no idea which one. […]

Exelon and Northwestern partner to kick up the energy from solar cells

By Lakshmi Chandrasekaran A Chinese solar energy company captured the imagination of the world and a younger generation of consumers by building a solar farm in the shape of a giant panda. That adds a bit of whimsy to China’s growing reputation as a world leader in solar energy production.  But the hottest competition is in the […]