Former Athlete Helping Others Find Their Identity

By Nick Mantas Medill Reports High school athletes who don’t play sports in college all go through a transitional period of what life is like without a practice schedule. Chloe Barnes went through that same transition and her experience, like that of thousands other athletes, wasn’t a smooth one. So she created Elle Grace Consulting […]
Getting to know sharks one tag at a time

Mollie McNeel Medill Reports Sharks. They’re everyone’s favorite underwater enemy. Between nerve-wracking drama’s like Jaws to stories about prehistoric mega-sharks, we have all but made the shark species a completely fictionalized being. But, scientists at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in Edgewater, Maryland, are changing that one tag at a time. May 14, 2018—Our shark […]
Chicago is stepping up to be a trading hub for crypto

By Jinman Li Medill Reports Chicago is becoming a honeypot for cryptocurrency and will attract more and more crypto companies in the future, panelists said Tuesday at a luncheon panel hosted by the Executives’ Club of Chicago. The birth of stock futures trading in the last century in Chicago demonstrated the city’s innovative spirit, said […]