Veo chief executive talks safety, regulation and Chicago’s second e-scooter pilot

By Kari McMahon Medill Reports In the summer of 2019, Chicago ran an electric scooter pilot program that examined whether scooters could be a viable alternative mode of transport for city residents. Out of the 10 companies that participated, only one was from Chicago. The three-year-old electric scooter company, Veo, serves over 50 cities with […]
Jesse Leinwand: The peaceful simplicity of apes

By Mackenzie Evenson Medill Reports Strolling into the Park Place Café at noon on a chilly Chicago day in January, Jesse Leinwand dressed the way he does every day, rain or shine: knee-high rubber boots, tall socks and khaki shorts reminiscent of the late crocodile hunter Steve Irwin. The 30-year-old Lincoln Park Zoo research assistant […]