Chicago’s production trends from the big screen to the little one

By MacKenzie Coffman Medill Reports The next time you venture out to the movie theater, don’t expect Chicago to make an appearance on the big screen. For decades, iconic Chicago landmarks from the “L” to LaSalle Street speckled their way throughout movie after movie. Although audiences today can spot the city masquerading as Gotham once […]

With the Cosmic Crisp, apple breeder Bruce Barritt puts fruit snobs first

By Christian Thorsberg Medill Reports “Did you hear it?” The Zoom call eclipses into an all-crimson canvas and resounds a noisy crescendo — something akin to striking thunder, or an ice cube splintering. “Yes? You heard a crack?” Bruce Barritt asks, backing away from his screen and spitting a mouthful of white, juicy flesh off-camera. […]