Tanta turns 10: Meet the Peruvian restaurant’s executive chef

Roberto Rocha, Tanta Chicago’s executive chef

By Antonia Mufarech Medill Reports    Surrounded by colorful quipus (knotted cords used by the Incas to store information) hanging from the ceiling that contrast with his gray uniform, executive chef Roberto Rocha checks the freshly plated lomo saltado (a traditional Peruvian stir fry over rice) that enters the dining area.  He usually hangs around […]

WATCH: Chicago This Week — Episode 10

Text by Damita Menezes Medill Reports On the latest episode of “Chicago This Week,” we introduce you to the 13 newly elected alderpeople who will be joining Chicago’s City Council. Our reporters are scattered across the city with insights into the most pressing issues in each ward. This episode will air on Chicago Access Network […]