Evanston food pantries serve community despite pandemic

By Bennett Baker Medill Reports With brown paper bags full of donations covering every tabletop of The Giving Storeroom, shelves overflowing with cans and boxed food and two more large donations still on their way, coordinator Llyoandra Cooper knew it was time to spread the word. “I came in here as the bags were coming […]
Media company provides essentials for business during pandemic

By Bennett Baker Medill Reports Since 2006, Terraboost Media has been combining wellness and marketing by pairing sanitizing gel and wipe stations with advertisements in malls, grocery stores and other businesses. For businesses trying to keep their doors open during the pandemic, keeping patrons safe is paramount. With the spike in demand for hand-sanitizer and […]
Evanston Mayor sends letter to NU president in response to Saturday student protest

By Bennett Baker Medill Reports Evanston Mayor Stephen Hagerty penned an open letter Sunday to Northwestern University President Morton Schapiro in response to student protests downtown on Saturday night. In the statement, Hagerty alleges increased protestor aggression and asks the university to foot the overtime bill for the city’s law enforcement officers. The mayor also […]