Report highlights 10 U.S. species ‘imperiled by climate change’ in 2022
By Christian Thorsberg Medill Reports In Coahuila, Mexico, a faint emergence of sound — swoosh, swish, swoosh — slices through arid air convecting in the Chihuahuan Desert’s chilly nocturne. Swish, swoosh, this consonance soundtracks the faint visions briefly sashaying — pink, brown and white blurs and flurries — across the rocky landscape. The 3-inch tall […]
With the Cosmic Crisp, apple breeder Bruce Barritt puts fruit snobs first
By Christian Thorsberg Medill Reports “Did you hear it?” The Zoom call eclipses into an all-crimson canvas and resounds a noisy crescendo — something akin to striking thunder, or an ice cube splintering. “Yes? You heard a crack?” Bruce Barritt asks, backing away from his screen and spitting a mouthful of white, juicy flesh off-camera. […]