Experts predict rise in heart infection with increase of heroin use

By Dani Anguiano An infectious disease that can affect intravenous drug users is expected to increase as a result of rising rates of heroin use across the United States, according to Sharon Kelley, CEO of Associates in Emergency Medical Education based in Tampa, Florida. “We’re already seeing increases of Endocarditis from all the increase in […]
Jails lack resources to care for heroin addicts, experts say

By Dani Anguiano Sonja Radtke, 30, a recovering heroin addict, says experiencing heroin withdrawal feels a lot like going through hell, but it is much worse in jail where treatment is limited. “Like, I throw up blood and have seizures when I get sick, but [jail staff] really don’t do anything,” Radtke said of her […]
Bipartisan drug proposal garners praise from drug professionals

By Dani Anguiano Drug policy experts and substance abuse professionals have called for strong action to tackle heroin abuse as well as expressed optimism about a $25 million legislative package to be proposed by Illinois lawmakers. House Democratic Assistant Majority Leader Lou Lang, (D-Skokie), and state Rep. John Anthony, (R-Morris), recently announced their plan to […]
Health professionals: more alcohol deaths than CDC report suggests

By Dani Anguiano Several health care professionals have said that a recently released CDC report, which revealed that on average, six people die from alcohol poisoning each day in the United States, while jarring – doesn’t show the full societal cost of excessive drinking. According to the CDC report released earlier this year, researchers found […]