Anatomy of a body of work at the surgical museum
By Lucy Vernasco The International Museum of Surgical Science’s new Anatomy in the Gallery exhibit feels more like an immersion into the study of physiology than a walk through a classical art show. This is because the art displayed in Notes on Life: Visual Lectures from the Vitruvian Fine Art Studio, on view until Friday […]
3D printing just became more delicious
By: Lucy Vernasco 3D printing is more delicious than ever. With more than 1,000 Kickstarter backers, PancakeBot is the world’s first 3D pancake printer. “It’s a project I did for my kids to get them inspired. It’s a family project,” Miguel Valenzuela said about his invention. Valenzuela is a civil engineer, inventor and father living […]
Wikipedians are Editing the Gender Gap
By Lucy Vernasco If you walked by room 613 at the School of The Art Institute of Chicago’s Flaxman Library on Saturday, you heard the sounds of furious typing and laughter as a diverse group of students and Chicago residents discussed feminism and the internet.
Social media creates solidarity for those affected by eating disorders
By Lucy Vernasco Tweets lit up the emotional landscape for people affected by eating disorders. The messages surged through an hour session Sunday to kick off National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Social media outlets have become conversation spaces for providing support and a community oasis for those who the know the toll disordered eating can take […]
St. John’s wort gets mixed reviews for treating depression
By Lucy Vernasco What if there was a flower that could make you happy – not just as a thing of beauty but an object of healing? Some claim one such bloom actually exists. Stocked with the supplements and gummy vitamins is St. John’s wort, capsulized from the blooms of a yellow-flowered shrub used to […]