CHA development deal faces opposition from Rogers Park residents

By Holly Kane Before security escorted Stephanie Hayes and about a dozen members of her group out of a meeting Tuesday, the longtime Rogers Park resident asked board members to think about approving a development deal that she fears would disrupt her community. “We just want to be left alone, and be in peace,” Hayes […]
Activists disrupt $50-a-plate Logan Square gentrification dinner

By Holly Kane Justine Bayod Espoz said her organization’s opinions about the rapid development of Logan Square are not welcome by 1st Ward Alderman Joe Moreno. “He has never, ever sat down with our organization,” said Bayod Espoz, organizer for Somos Logan Square, a non-profit organization. “Joe Moreno will not meet with us, but he […]
Uptown luxury development faces challenges

By Holly Kane A $15.8 million TIF to fund a luxury housing development in Uptown will provide $5.7 million for low-income housing, but it is unclear where that housing will be. The 26-story Clarendon-Montrose development will feature 381 rental units and a 30,000-square-foot Treasure Island Foods grocery store with 5 percent affordable units. Construction is […]