Former Athlete Helping Others Find Their Identity
By Nick Mantas Medill Reports High school athletes who don’t play sports in college all go through a transitional period of what life is like without a practice schedule. Chloe Barnes went through that same transition and her experience, like that of thousands other athletes, wasn’t a smooth one. So she created Elle Grace Consulting […]
The Concussion Conundrum
Researchers are still perplexed as to the effects of concussions on female athletes. But a Northwestern duo believes accounting for the menstrual cycle could be the key. By Brittany Callan Medill Reports For rugby player Brittany O’Dell, it took a Will Smith movie to scare her into taking sports injuries seriously. The 2015 true-life film […]
Becoming a professional athlete (sort of)
By Elan Kane It’s 1:15 a.m. and I’m at an indoor turf facility somewhere in southwest Chicago. I’m in a huddle surrounded by 35 other ultimate Frisbee players, vying for a spot on Chicago’s professional ultimate Frisbee team. The head coach holds up his clipboard, showing a blank sheet of paper. “This is the current […]
Former football player wrestles his way through more than just his opponents
By Caley Chelios Former Northwestern football player Jack Schwaba, is on the road to wrestling superstardom. He’s traveling around the country performing at various venues including Northwestern’s own Wrestlepocalypse. Schwaba is a maniac in the ring, tearing down his opponents under his stage alias, Jack Sheridan- a country-club rich-kid with no regrets. But his early […]