Urban Threads mixes fashion and youth outreach in Chicago

By Alexandra Whittaker Fledgling fashion designers dream of showing their work at high profile fashion weeks, whether in Chicago or Milan. It can take years for this to happen, but a group of Chicago high school students accomplished this last fall. The students showed at Chicago Fashion Week in the (PRO)jectUs Street Bias Fashion Show […]
Fashion illustration: walking the line between art and craft

By Alexandra Whittaker A recent resurgence of fashion illustrators at New York Fashion Week shows like Prabal Gurung and Gucci has forced fashion illustration back into the spotlight. With illustration jobs at retail stores like Macy’s and more robust programs for fashion illustration at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, the city’s fashion […]
BREAKING: Chicago cuts fashion funding

By Alexandra Whittaker The City of Chicago has eliminated funding for Fashion Focus Chicago, Chicago Fashion Week and the post of program director for Fashion and Culinary Creative Arts and Industries due to budgetary cuts. All were administrated by the city’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) and the cuts took effect on […]