#SayHerName, hear her too: black women activists fight to be heard

By Jasmine M. Ellis In the age of #SayHerName and #BlackLivesMatter social justice movements, black women have played a key role in protesting injustice across the country. Dedicated to changing the U.S. political and racial climate, they have demanded their voices be heard, while demanding change. However, black women have been noticeably absent from many conversations […]
Civil Rights Legend: Black Lives Mattered — Then and Now

By Jasmine M. Ellis In the age of Black Lives Matter and #SayHerName movements, America’s current racial climate eerily mirrors its past, according to renowned civil rights activist Diane Nash. “My contemporaries had you in mind when we reacted,” said Nash, keynote speaker for Northwestern University’s campus observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday […]