Medill Newsmakers: Residents, organizations across Chicago join fight against hunger, food waste

By Raphael Hipos Medill Reports In 2020, 13.8 million households across the United States experienced food insecurity, which is defined as the inability to access quality food multiple times a day. A report by the Chicago Food Equity agenda shows that this phenomenon disproportionately affects members of the Black and Latino communities. This episode of […]
Southwest Side business cooperative puts waste to good use

By Yu-Ning Aileen Chuang Before you trash the remnants of that Thanksgiving turkey or ram the last bits of stuffing into the garbage disposal, try thinking about how much food is wasted in the U.S. every day. The U.S. throws away 30 percent of edible food annually, an equivalent of $161 billion worth of produce, […]
Food waste in the crosshairs of NUvention entrepreneurs

By Bryce Gray That tomato on your salad and other produce items across the U.S. endure an odyssey of more than 1,300 miles from the field to your local grocery store. That journey not only costs energy, but also time that cuts into shelf life and contributes to $7 billion worth of domestic food waste annually. When it comes […]