Poised for the prowl: Black Panther’s box office attack continues

By DeForest Mapp Medill Reports Superhero King T’Challa led the multitudes to “Black Panther” for two consecutive weekends. The blockbuster topped attendance at any other movie with a domestic gross of $400 million and shattered previous earnings records for a film that showcased a majority African American cast. “Black Panther” made gold for a Marvel gamble that debuted on […]
Spider-Man can’t do whatever a spider can, researchers say

By Claire Donnelly What if instead of evading the evil Dr. Octopus by scaling the nearest wall, Spider-Man found himself stuck to every object he passed? According to some scientific researchers, that’s exactly what would happen if Spider-Man’s sticky pads were correctly proportioned to his body weight. In a study published in the January issue […]