Big Ten Media Days continues with Urban Meyer and Lovie Smith

By Nick Mantas Medill Reports Day 2 of Big Ten Media Days featured coaches with different realistic goals. Ohio State Head Coach Urban Meyer is searching for another national title while Illinois Head Coach Lovie Smith is looking to win a single game in the Big Ten conference this year. Our reporters weighed on on […]
Big Ten Media Days kicks off with Fitzgerald, Harbuagh & more

By Nick Mantas Medill Reports Big Ten conference head football coaches stepped up to the microphone to face the media and talk about their upcoming seasons. The Medill Reports sports team was at the 2018 Big Ten Media Days as well. [vimeo 281462945 w=640 h=480]
The pressure for success in Chicago sports

By: Nick Mantas and Aaron Rose Medill Reports The Chicago Bears and Bulls haven’t won a championship in this century. ESPN and Sun Times reporters weigh in on the reasons for what has led to their unsuccessful seasons and what next season could bring for both organizations. During the second segment, we talk about the challenges of […]
Former Athlete Helping Others Find Their Identity

By Nick Mantas Medill Reports High school athletes who don’t play sports in college all go through a transitional period of what life is like without a practice schedule. Chloe Barnes went through that same transition and her experience, like that of thousands other athletes, wasn’t a smooth one. So she created Elle Grace Consulting […]
Coach Jared Voss Gets Win Number 500

By Nick Mantas Medill Reports Illinois high school baseball has a new member in the 500 club. Joliet Catholic Academy’s Head Baseball Coach Jared Voss just got win number 500 in a unique way. Coach Voss, an alumnus of JCA, is looking to make another run at the state title and at this point their […]
Orland Park Teen Wants Everyone to Play Baseball

By Nick Mantas Medill Reports Orland Park has a special resident who thinks beyond himself when it comes to improving his community. Sixteen-year-old Zachary Stack is on a mission to building a handicap accessible baseball field. After hearing about a Challengers Field in nearby Tinley Park, IL he asked why his town of Orland Park, […]