Undocumented and exposed under a Trump presidency

By Alexa Mencia [A version of the story was originally published in The American Prospect.] Operating room nurse Jose Aguiluz knew that Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was only a Band-Aid for his immigration problem. It wasn’t a pathway to citizenship. The benefits it offered were limited, temporary. But critically to Aguiluz, it was […]

Immigrant community finds way forward after election

By Alex Ortiz “I couldn’t tell them that things were going to be OK,” Jose Muñoz recalls as he and undocumented students watched election night returns Nov. 8 in Pilsen. “All I could tell them was that we are there to support them.” Students gathered at Resurrection Project that night hoping for an altogether different result than […]

Undocumented father takes sanctuary in church

Jose Juan Federico Moreno has been living in University Church for over 40 days. He is taking sanctuary from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. (Bian Elkhatib/MEDILL)

By Bian Elkhatib J ose Juan Federico Moreno has not left University Church in Hyde Park since April 15. He is seeking sanctuary from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after they asked him to self-deport to Mexico. [vimeo 168295184 w=474] Moreno, who is from Bolingbrook, has a wife and five U.S. citizen children. He was […]