Governor Rauner advocates bipartisan reforms amid budget gridlock

By Harvard Zhang Springfield — Republican Governor Bruce Rauner called on the Democrat-controlled legislature to put aside political disagreements to institute business-building reforms together with cost reductions and revenue increases during his budget address Wednesday for the next fiscal year. Addressing a joint session of the General Assembly, the governor stressed that his budget is about jobs, opportunities and economic […]
Rauner pleads to Assembly on budget, gets booed by hundreds of protesters

By Morgan Gilbard Gov. Bruce Rauner’s annual budget address to the Legislature was upstaged by approximately 400 protesters who stormed the State Capitol on Wednesday afternoon and booed the governor upon his departure. The protesters’ chants condemning higher education cuts were audible from inside the General Assembly chamber, where Rauner tried to placate Democrats with […]
Illinois college students hold rally for grants funding (video)

By Xiao Lyu Students from about 15 colleges and universities throughout Illinois rallied at the Thompson Center on Tuesday, asking Gov. Bruce Rauner to fund the Monetary Award Program, or MAP, that thousands of students rely on to help pay college tuition.