Mural project in Little Village showcases Chicago’s coming “Year of Public Art”

By Wen-Yee Lee Max Sansing was spray-painting a ragged wall of an underpass between Little Village and North Lawndale — a border that separates Mexican-American and African-American communities. Soon, images unfolded of Mexican culture and experiences in Chicago, West African symbols of strength and unity, and portraits of community residents. As a core artist for […]
Puerto Rico: a “canary in the coal mine” for climate change

By Janice Cantieri In Alexi Correa’s coastal town of Loiza, Puerto Rico, families are raising their furniture on milk crates and building second floors onto their concrete homes to adapt to frequent flooding caused by sea level rise. They are witnessing a major impact of climate change right at their doorsteps. “Our community is quite […]
The resistance gets real: Civil libertarians imagine life, action in the age of Trump

By Jordan Gaines Now that President-elect Donald J. Trump’s path to the White House is clear, Chicago-area progressives met Monday night to map out a game plan to protect civil liberties during a Trump administration. “Everybody in this room is still trying to wrap their heads around what happened on Nov 8,” said state Rep. […]
Women, and racial and sexual minorities don’t feel welcome, U of C climate survey says

By Alex Ortiz The University of Chicago made national headlines in August when it declared the campus a trigger-warning-free zone, igniting a national debate about the lack safe spaces for marginalized students. Now, a newly released campus climate survey validates the feeling of many that the campus’ racial climate is, indeed, rife with racism, sexism […]
Trump’s Election Sparks Renewed Fervor on Abortion

By Karys Belger A group of about 200 people stand with signs in hand and shouting in Federal Plaza. Their roar of “Not my president” is as clear as it was on the night when Donald Trump became president-elect. Mixed in with the familiar mantras turned protest chants are signs declaring “women’s rights are human […]
Illinois Republicans spent big last election in hopes of winning the General Assembly

By David Jordan Since the 2010 midterm elections the Republican Party has made long term investments in flipping as many state legislatures as possible. And over the last three campaigns, their gamble has paid off. In the past six years, the Republicans have managed to take nearly 1,000 state legislature seats from the Democrats across […]
Chicago Fidel Castro supporters say farewell to a controversial man

By David Jordan Ilona Gersh of the Socialist Worker’s Party offered solace through remembrance Monday by selling mourners books of transcribed speeches from the late Fidel Castro. She also offered relief through other such left-leaning works as, “Is socialist revolution in the US possible?” Since the death of Castro, she has seen a lot of […]
NoDAPL supporters chant ‘Mni wiconi’ and it’s not just about water

By Pat Nabong and June Leffler [Package of Standing Rock and the Dakota Access Pipeline stories here] Women in black burkas have marched around the Oceti Sakowin camp in North Dakota with a banner that reads, “Muslims stand with Standing Rock.” In a ceremonial dance, Aztec dancers from South America have skipped to the beat […]