Hyderabad, India, captures a nexus of ancient and modern culture

By Aaron Dorman Medill Reports I traveled to India for the first time in my life for an all-too-brief three weeks’ of learning how farmers are adapting to increasing drought in the central province of Telangana with water conserving greenhouses. Hyderabad and environs are about as far inland as can be at this latitude. But […]
Evanston Adopts Climate Action and Resiliency Plan

Aaron Dorman Medill Reports Evanston became the first Chicago-area city in almost a decade to adopt a formal climate action plan with an effective transition to renewable energy and resiliency to climate change. The Climate Action and Resiliency Plan, approved unanimously by the City Council last week, calls for the city to meet 100 percent […]
Chicago coalition gets ready for 100 percent renewable energy: A Q & A with Sierra Club Illinois’ Kyra Woods

By Aaron Dorman Medill Reports Kyra Woods intends to help move Chicago towards running on 100 percent renewable energy by 2035. She is in charge of the Sierra Club’s “Ready for 100” commitment in the Illinois chapter to help the city do just that. As part of a kick-off event on Tuesday at Uptake in […]
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists brings Jerry Brown into the fold but no clock change yet

By Aaron Dorman Medill Reports Amid the slate of world crises discussed at the annual meeting of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, one note of good news: Pakistan and India are unlikely to engage each other in nuclear warfare, according to a nuclear policy expert. But in other arenas, Bulletin editor-in-chief John Mecklin characterized […]
Did Sean Casten run as an environmentalist? Yes. Is that why he won? Maybe.

By Aaron Dorman Medill Reports Sean Casten was driven to run, and eventually win, the election in Illinois’ sixth congressional district, for one simple reason: Peter Roskam wasn’t listening to his constituents about the environment. Potentially carcinogenic air pollutants from a commercial sterilization plant in Willowbrook, declining water supplies and weather extremes causing floods due […]
Bloomberg and Brown bolster a business-friendly climate for climate change solutions

By Aaron Dorman Medill Reports “Fighting climate change and growing the economy go hand in hand,” Michael Bloomberg insisted at the Global Climate Action Summit this fall. Al Gore, California Gov. Jerry Brown and Harrison Ford repeated this message throughout the main and affiliate events that gathered hundreds of regional politicians, business leaders and environmental […]