Ricketts v. Rooftops: A breakdown of Wrigley rooftop ownership
By Hannah Beery In the six years since the Ricketts family acquired 95 percent of the Cubs and Wrigley Field, the battle for surrounding outfield rooftop ownership has rarely ceased and the turmoil continues. One rooftop owner was indicted in March for underreporting attendance and revenue figures to state and local taxing authorities, as well as […]
Honda knocks ‘Sox’ off Chicago for 30 years as South Side announcer
By Hannah Beery Thirty years ago, Eugene “Gene” Honda walked through the gates at Comiskey Park in hopes of a job with the South Side baseball team. At the stadium’s second-level offices, Honda watched as a security official glanced at him, then turned to a colleague and whispered, “You’re not going to believe what the […]
@POTUS takes Twitter world by storm, omits @Cubs
By Hannah Beery The most famous Sox fan did the Cubs a favor this week. President Obama’s conspicuous Twitter non-follow of the team Monday has led to about 1,000 new Cubs followers and given ticket sales a boost since then, according to vice president of communications Julian Green. The Commander-in-Chief (@POTUS) cracked a few jokes […]
Fairdale residents look to rebuild; White Sox donate to relief
By Hannah Beery Tornado survivor Tom Marston saw his small farm town of Fairdale, Illinois demolished by an EF-4 tornado last month. “If you had seen what I’d seen, we’re lucky to be alive, ” he said this week. Now, he and other residents of the town 80 miles west of Chicago have finished the […]
Two steps forward, three steps back: NFL teams choose talent over troubled pasts
By Hannah Beery Despite the NFL’s efforts to clean up its image, the 2015 draft revealed a troubling trend as teams continued to select players with allegedly violent pasts. More troubling, however, said domestic violence experts and observers, was that the extensive vetting process employed by prospective teams failed to include the alleged victims of […]
Cubs fans donate to Illinois tornado relief
By Hannah Beery Lisa LaSala sat in the Kirkland Fire Department Tuesday, temporary home of the American Red Cross, and thought about the next steps for tornado relief in nearby Fairdale and Rochelle. But cleaning up home base when putting back together a community torn apart by a tornado means more than brushing off the […]
VIDEO: Local artist adds color to Garcia campaign
By Avinash Chak Unsolicited images supporting Jesus “Chuy” Garcia began to appear in public places in February from local artists. In reaction, Garcia’s campaign asked Chicagoans to submit Chuy-inspired art for campaign purposes.
VIDEO: Aldermanic candidate Rafael Lopez promises change to 15th Ward
By Isabella Szabolcs Eighteen of Chicago’s 50 wards have runoff elections for alderman. The predominately Hispanic 15th ward has two Hispanic candidate’s running for aldermanic positions. One candidate, Rafael Lopez, is promising to bring needed changes to the ward. Isabella Szabolcs has more on the story.
VIDEO: The evolution of the Chicago runoff
By Andrew Fowler Even though Chicagoans have never experienced a mayoral runoff, they are no strangers to aldermanic runoff elections. Medill Report’s Andrew Fowler has more.