VIDEO: CPS treats the sexes differently when it comes to single-sex education
By Julie Woon There are two single-sex charter schools within the Chicago Public School system, one for boys and one for girls. Both boast incredible graduation rates and success among their students. But as the all-boys charter has expanded to three different campuses with 2000 students, some wonder why the all-girls school hasn’t been able […]
Video: Medillcast
Produced by: Julie Woon Medillcast is a weekly newscast covering events and issues in Chicago. Beth Werge and J’nelle Agee bring you this week’s top stories. The headlines include complaints about the mayor’s playground renovations, protests after the death of a Southern Illinois University student, and a social media threat closes down one local high school.
VIDEO: Medillcast
Produced by Julie Woon Medillcast is a weekly newscast covering events and issues in Chicago. J’nelle Agee and Courtney Dillard bring you this week’s top stories. The headlines include a look at the new partnership between American Airlines and the Cubs, Illinois House of Representatives Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie’s award from the ACLU , funeral arrangements for […]
VIDEO: Medillcast
Produced By: Julie Woon Medillcast is a weekly newscast covering events and issues in Chicago. Courtney Dillard and Joe Musso bring you this week’s top stories. The headlines include a review of the mayoral runoff candidates, renovation problems at the Cubs stadium, and business problems in the Lakeview neighborhood.
VIDEO: Chicago education opportunities
By: Rachel White and Julie Woon In this edition of Medill Newsmakers, Rachel White and Julie Woon take a look at two different education opportunities in the city. First they talk to an administrator and student at a local charter school, then with a public school teacher to see what he’s doing to help his students become successful. […]
VIDEO: Chicago organization repairing deformities, changing childrens’ lives
By Julie Woon Kassy Preciado is resting in an extended stay hotel as she begins to heal. Last week, she underwent the final surgery in a three-step process to have a large birthmark removed at Comer’s Children’s Hospital at the University of Chicago. The five-year-old patient had an unsightly birthmark, known as a congenital pigmented nevus, […]
VIDEO: The Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition aims to improve state environmental standards
By Julie Woon Mayor Rahm Emanuel is teaming up with the new Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition to urge passage of legislation that would improve environmental standards in the state. The group says 32,000 jobs a year could be created in Illinois by increasing clean and efficient energy.
VIDEO: How the “puppy mill” ban could affect Chicago animal lovers
By Julie Woon Last year, Chicago aldermen passed a bill voting 49-1 in favor of banning pet mills throughout the city. Starting in March, the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits by pet stores and large scale breeders becomes illegal. That means Chicago residents will have to adopt or purchase animals online or from small-scale breeders.
VIDEO: Maggie Daley Park Dog Ban
By: Julie Woon The Chicago Park District’s decision to ban dogs in the newly renovated Maggie Daley Park has emotions running high and opinions split. Despite opposition, dog owners will have to find somewhere else to take their pets.
VIDEO: Love on paper
By: Julie Woon Just in time for Valentines Day, the Newberry Research Library has a new exhibit called “Love on Paper.” The free exhibit displays antique love letters, valentines and love-related memorabilia and demonstrates unique ways to convey the sometimes inexpressible feeling of love.