Chicago This Week Episode 5
Chicago This Week Episode 4
Andersonville businesses host socially distanced performance art
By Amelia Burns Medill Reports In 2021, live performances are rare in the city of Chicago, but a local theatre group is proving that in-person community art doesn’t have to be unsafe. Stop Motion Plant is an ensemble group that recently held a series of socially-distanced performances in Andersonville entitled, “Window Plays.” Amelia Burns is […]
Artists track 100 years of Chicago police violence to fight against it
Xiaozhang(Shaw) Wan Medill Reports Artworks about 100 years of Chicago police violence are on exhibition “to help people better understand what led to present circumstances,” according to the exhibition brochure. The exhibition, “Do Not Resist: 100 Years of Chicago Police Violence,” is open through varying February dates, with different works on display at the Hairpin Arts Center, […]