The Road to recovery: mom and daughter bond to defeat eating disorder

(Photo credit: Flickr/ Charlotte Astrid)

By Priyam Vora “I just wanted to look pretty. I wanted to be accepted. I wanted to be thin.” These are 26-years-old Ashley Ice’s words when she speaks about the eating disorder that she battled for six long years.  And she was thin – so thin that her young heart was failing.

Experts cite Ebola’s indirect cost, urge public-private partnerships

By Jin Wu Chicago health care and economic experts said the indirect cost of Ebola is enormous and partnerships between public and private sectors could be a solution for “the market failures” in Ebola prevention and treatment. Dozens of people attended a public conversation called “The Cost of Health Crisis” Wednesday night at Chicago’s Harold […]

Charlie Hebdo ‘survivors’ issue’ quickly sells out in Chicago

By Yanqing Chen, Ellen Kobe, Meghan Tribe and Andersen Xia Dozens of people lined up at two Chicago-area newsstands hoping to get one of the copies of the “survivors’ issue” of French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo (WARNING: Cover image may be offensive to some) before dawn Friday morning. Within minutes, both City Newsstand in Portage […]

Experts cite Ebola’s indirect cost, urge public-private partnerships

By Jin Wu Chicago health care and economic experts said the indirect cost of Ebola is enormous and partnerships between public and private sectors could be a solution for “the market failures” in Ebola prevention and treatment. Dozens of people attended a public conversation called “The Cost of Health Crisis” Wednesday night at Chicago’s Harold […]

Delta’s stock surged after 4th Quarter earnings released

Delta Air Lines Inc.‘s stock shot up 7.26 percent after the release of its fourth-quarter report on Tuesday morning, despite its net income’s swinging down to a loss of $712 million dollars in the December quarter, or 86 cents loss per diluted share, from the year-ago earnings of $9.89 per diluted share. The adjusted non-GAAP net income, […]

Songs for Burge torture victims fill City Hall

By Kate Morrissey Voices echoed off the stone walls of the second floor of City Hall Thursday morning as both song and protest supported Chicago Police torture victim reparations. Chicago Torture Justice Memorials, with support from Project NIA and Amnesty International, organized the sing-in on January 15, Martin Luther King Jr.’s actual birthday, during the […]

Fear Factor: The High Hidden Cost of the Ebola Epidemic

By Jamie Friedlander The “cost” of an epidemic such as Ebola usually targets the dollar toll in hospital fees and economic downturns. But the loss of lives and the measure of suffering remains a lasting and growing cost. “In terms of the cost in Liberia, it’s not dollars and cents. It’s the death of a […]

Millennials inspired by Chicago’s ‘Tinder for jobs’; employers doubtful

By Laura Furr Gionni Crawford, 20, is looking for a job. A recent graduate from Specs Howard School of Media Arts in Southfield, Michigan, Crawford will be relocated from his job as a cellphone vendor at his hometown Target in Detroit when it closes at the end of the month. A self-described “hustler,” Crawford said […]

At South Side meeting, disputes erupt over Obama library

By Emily Hoerner Nearly 1,000 community leaders and residents gathered in Hyde Park for a public meeting Tuesday night, where tensions flared over using roughly 20 acres of Chicago Park District land for the Barack Obama Presidential Library. The two sites, Washington Park and Jackson Park, proposed by the University of Chicago belong to the […]