The House of Burritos that Feels Like Home

By Nick Mantas Medill Reports Just west of Wrigley Field at the intersection of Lincoln and Addison sits one of Chicago’s little-known treasures of the city, the original Burrito House. 3545 N Lincoln Ave is the address of where “x marks the spot” for this family run institution. Now expanded into three locations, Luis Salinas […]
Día de los Muertos in Pilsen commemorates the dead and commits to fighting social injustices

By Pat Nabong People with faces painted to resemble skulls and hair adorned with flowers marched around Pilsen on the night when spirits are believed to visit the living. Photos of deceased loved ones and famous human rights advocates embellished the “ofrenda” or altar. Under the rain, children twirled to the beat of drums. Día […]
The heirloom of Mariachi music passes down through the generations

By Alexa Mencia When the Chicago Symphony Orchestra welcomed Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán, known internationally as the “World’s Best Mariachi,” last month, orchestra hall sold out. Throughout the performance, audience members would let out a joyful, high-pitched yell in excitement—a signature of mariachi music known as a grito. The ensemble itself traces its history back […]
Shena Gutierrez won’t take U.S. border officials’ ‘no’ for an answer

By Alexa Mencia [The story was republished in Truthout as Wife of Use-of-Force Victim Advocates to Hold Border Officials Accountable and on SJNN] Shena Gutierrez’s husband José almost died March 30, 2011. As the leader of a support network for those affected by U.S. border authorities’ use of force, Gutierrez knows her husband was one […]
An inside look into one student’s protest of Donald Trump

By Bian Elkhatib In some ways, Ana Ruiz is the face of a Trump protester. She’s young, a college student, new to protesting, hurt deeply that she and other Mexican immigrants are being demonized, and will be personally affected by how Trump proposes to lead the country. TRUMP RALLY COVERAGE Outside Trump rally, protesters shout […]
Experts weigh implications of immigration in Chicago and U.S.

By Hannah Rank Leaders in immigration research argued Friday that immigration has significant economic and demographic benefits for the city of Chicago. “What I’m seeing from my clients is that they are contributing to society regardless of what their immigration status is,” said Olga Rojas, chair of the Chicago chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers. […]