Fort Myers NAACP Protest Calls for Unity

By Samone Blair Medill Reports Roughly 40 Floridians gathered Monday in downtown Fort Myers, Florida, for a protest organized by the NAACP of Lee County demanding justice after the police killing of George Floyd. A broad range of the community took to the stage to explain why they attended the protest. Photo at top: A […]
Politics and protests come to Super Bowl LI

By Eric Burgher Reporting from Houston “No ban, no wall, Houston is for all.” Those chants echoed in the streets of downtown Houston Saturday as hundreds of anti-Trump protesters hoped to steal a momentary spotlight at one of the biggest events in professional sports, Super Bowl LI. The protest began at City Hall and made […]
Mount Greenwood protests a microcosm of national division on police brutality

By Alex Ortiz During the afternoon of Nov. 20, a group of some 15 protesters walked down a closed off streets at Kedzie Avenue and 111th Street in Mount Greenwood on the city’s far southwestern edge. It was a cool but clear day — perfect for a large demonstration. Residents looked on while standing on […]
Outside Trump rally, protesters shout down hate

By Harry Huggins Video by Nikita Mandhani and Bian Elkhatib Thousands of protesters gathered outside GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion Friday afternoon and evening. As fellow protesters inside disrupted the event and eventually contributed to its postponement, the outside protesters chanted insults about Trump and his […]
Protesters inside shut down Trump rally, ‘take back’ Chicago

By Aryn Braun Four days before Tuesday’s primary election, Chicago dumped Donald Trump. Instead of the Trump rally at UIC Pavilion going as planned Friday evening, thousands of protesters went undercover, posing as Trump supporters to gain entrance and blindsiding those thousands who were excited to see their candidate speak. ‘We have a large city […]
Peter Liang Protest in Chicago: Fighting for Future Generations

By Xuanyan Ouyang Parents who took their kids to the protest march for Peter Liang in Chicago said it was not just for Liang, but also for the equal rights of the future generations of Asian-Americans. Over a thousand people marched in downtown Chicago as a part of the “biggest-ever Asian-American” protest in the U.S. […]
One bullet, two victims: Protesters rally for convicted NYPD officer

By Shanshan Wang Thousands of people, mostly Chinese-Americans, marched in downtown Chicago Saturday, calling justice for former NYPD officer Peter Liang, who was convicted of manslaughter in the fatal shooting of a black man in 2014. The protesters chanted along the way, holding national flags, signs and banners with slogans conveying the message that selective justice is not […]
Logan Square Protesters Fear Gentrification

By Harry Huggins On a freezing cold Thursday morning, a dozen protesters gathered outside a Blue Line station in Logan Square. They handed out flyers to the commuters sidling by them, and they chanted. “We are many! We are tough! Ten percent is not enough!”
Chicago ministers say no to King breakfast with the mayor

By Hannah Gebresilassie Who wants breakfast? Not ministers and activists in Chicago. In light of the controversy surrounding the fatal police shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald and Cedrick Chatman, also 17, religious leaders say they will join activists in a protest on Friday morning outside of Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s planned private commemorative breakfast of Dr. Martin […]
Anger erupts over “comfort women” settlement between Japan and South Korea

By Jenny Lee and Jenny G. Zhang Min-Ah Cho feels like the last 20 years have been wasted. Cho visited Chicago for a demonstration last Wednesday to protest a recent settlement reached by the foreign ministers of Japan and South Korea to end the two countries’ long-standing dispute over Japan’s sexual enslavement of thousands of […]