Exploring school security in Lahore, Pakistan

By Patrick Martin Reporting from Lahore, Pakistan “We have our own weapons too,” Rana Mohammad said as he unwrapped the cloth surrounding a long-barreled revolver which he keeps locked in his desk. This high school principal has the number for the local police, the Punjab Highway Patrol and the local army barracks displayed on his […]
A tale of two schools on protest day

By Vishakha Darbha and Bian Elkhatib T eachers, parents and students gathered across the city Wednesday to protest Chicago Public Schools’ budget cuts. The Chicago Teachers Union helped organize the demonstrations in nearly 200 schools, demanding more funding for teachers and extra-curricular activities. Other issues included smaller classrooms and a decrease in standardized tests. Medill […]
State budget deadlock jeopardizes manufacturing industry

By Lawrence Rigby Springfield’s inability to pass a budget for fiscal 2016 threatens to make life harder for the already hard-pressed Illinois manufacturing industry. The deadlock could cause manufacturers to lose a Research and Development tax credit that encourages the innovation of new R&D projects. The possible loss of the 6.5 percent tax credit, due […]