Medill Newsmakers: Reporting on-air amid COVID-19 (Ep. 2)

By Samone Blair, Michael Thomas, and Yilin Xie Medill Reports The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the way many of us work. Medill Reports spoke with three alumni of Northwestern University’s Medill School — Ashley Graham of WLNS-TV in Lansing, Michigan, Shiba Russel of 11Alive in Atlanta, and Peter Alexander of NBC News and the […]
Medill Newsmakers: Reporting on-air amid COVID-19 (Ep. 1)

By Anika Exum, Briana Garrett and Jennifer Ly Medill Reports The spread of this year’s ongoing pandemic came with necessary but unexpected and unprecedented modifications to both the television news industry and the lives of those working in it. Rick Sallinger of CBS4 Denver, Brandis Friedman of WTTW’s “Chicago Tonight,” and Medill School alumna Sheinelle […]