East Ave creates opportunities for girls lacrosse in western suburbs

By Steven Gorgei Medill Reports Over 60 girls under the age of 9 gathered at midfield with their lacrosse sticks raised high, smiling and cheering after a morning of games on a cold Sunday in early May. Five years ago, East Ave Lacrosse didn’t even have a girls program. But today, more than 200 girls […]
Report highlights 10 U.S. species ‘imperiled by climate change’ in 2022

By Christian Thorsberg Medill Reports In Coahuila, Mexico, a faint emergence of sound — swoosh, swish, swoosh — slices through arid air convecting in the Chihuahuan Desert’s chilly nocturne. Swish, swoosh, this consonance soundtracks the faint visions briefly sashaying — pink, brown and white blurs and flurries — across the rocky landscape. The 3-inch tall […]