The resistance gets real: Civil libertarians imagine life, action in the age of Trump

By Jordan Gaines Now that President-elect Donald J. Trump’s path to the White House is clear, Chicago-area progressives met Monday night to map out a game plan to protect civil liberties during a Trump administration. “Everybody in this room is still trying to wrap their heads around what happened on Nov 8,” said state Rep. […]
Food summit: Healthy food access must include eliminating waste

By Jordan Gaines As foodies and farmers alike gathered at the Chicago Food Tank Summit earlier this month at the University of Chicago’s Gleacher Center to discuss ways to maximize and sustain food, conversations of working with the food we already have continuously boiled down to two words: food waste. “It’s kind of a divisive […]
Like they say: Chicago businesswoman shows black lingo is valuable, bankable

By Jordan Gaines For those in the know, sayings like “Can I live?” and “The Only Thing I Have 2 Do Is Stay Black and Die” sums up a lot about the black experience, one that is often overlooked in the words and images that describe the American lived experience. That’s why Chicago entrepreneur Dianna […]
Millennial voters: Don’t count them in, don’t count them out, either

By Jordan Gaines In the final leg of the race to the White House all hands are on deck to get millennials to the polls. Young adults, in fact, have been blamed for the race being such a close call. This generation is being haunted by a traditionally low voter turnout with only 45 percent […]
‘Shark Tank’ food contest fulfills hunger for locally produced food

By Jordan Gaines Locally sourced food creates local jobs and creates smaller carbon footprint, which is better for the environment. So why is it that only 6 percent of food grown in Illinois consumed here? In a “Shark Tank”-style competition, a team composed of three food-based concerns won the right last week to solve that […]
Transgender rights activists claim safe spaces

By Jordan Gaines Like many transgender women across the nation, T.T. Saffore found no safety in law enforcement, and threats of violence were a normal part of life. When the 27-year-old hairstylist was found murdered Sept. 11 in Garfield Park, she had not shared a recent threat to her life by another transgender woman three […]