Larry Antonsen: Healing, helping and speaking out

Larry Antonsen

By Karyn Simpson Medill Reports Larry Antonsen wants to do everything he can to ensure no child is ever abused by a priest again. That’s why he works with the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) and attends events like All Survivor’s Day at Holy Name Cathedral Parish. The day is dedicated to […]

Israel’s Sea of Galilee and Dead Sea are dying – What is being done?

Dead Sea

By Karyn Simpson Medill Reports ISRAEL – The Dead Sea is dying. So is Israel’s Sea of Galilee – the country’s only surface-level source of freshwater. The effort to save these sacred and historic lakes involves a convoluted mix of religious tradition, tourism and technology. Over the past several decades of carving out an oasis from […]

What the world can learn from Israel’s water reuse programs

Negev Desert, Israel

By Karyn Simpson Medill Reports Negev Desert, Israel – A country that is 70 percent desert faces a unique challenge in finding sustainable water sources, but by treating and reusing approximately 90 percent of its wastewater, Israel has done just that. The small country is light years ahead of the rest of the globe – […]