After de-verification, fake Twitter accounts spread misinformation about road closure
By Damita Menezes Medill Reports Twitter users were in a frenzy on April 21 as a number of fake Twitter accounts impersonated the Chicago Department
By Damita Menezes Medill Reports Twitter users were in a frenzy on April 21 as a number of fake Twitter accounts impersonated the Chicago Department
By John Volk Medill Reports Does your Scrabble rack leave you feeling like Old MacDonald? Don’t worry — there’s so much you can do with
By Laura Stewart Medill Reports An exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago is showcasing the work of famed surrealist artist Salvador Dalí. “Salvador Dalí:
By Julia Lowe Medill Reports Chef Rodolfo Cuadros, who launched Don Bucio’s Taqueria (2763 N. Milwaukee Ave.) on Feb. 25, once nearly accepted an executive
By Yue Li Medill Reports In 2006, Sarah Ross, then a part-time art history teacher at a central Illinois prison, learned more about segregation and
By Cindy Wang Medill Reports Former cytologist Catherine Keebler became an art student at The Art Institute of Chicago after her retirement, but her creative
By Jordyn Bradley Medill Reports Though Amanda Carlson has only been tattooing for a year and a half, her career as an artist started long
By Julia Lowe Medill Reports Between performing as the principal violist with the Chicago Sinfonietta — “Chicago’s hippest orchestra” — and playing piano at bars
By Julia Lowe Medill Reports On the heels of Black History Month in February and Women’s History Month in March comes the powerful recognition of poetic voices
By Koster Kennard Medill Reports When actor-turned-comedian-turned-puppeteer Josh Zagoren, 41, heard the Green Mill was shutting down indefinitely because of COVID-19, taking away one of