By Enrica Nicoli Aldini
IOWA CITY, Iowa – Lunch break at Hamburg Inn, an iconic Iowa City diner that’s an obligatory stop for many presidential hopefuls campaigning out here.
We noticed the four women at the table beside ours were sporting t-shirt and pins saying “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.” The smell of good quotes almost covered the fragrance of the award-winning burgers that were being served up hot and ready.
“Gun sense is what we’re caucusing for, and that’s why we’re pushing the moms to get out and show up on Monday,” said Rebecca Truszkowski, local chapter leader for Moms Demand Action.
An Indiana mom started Moms Demand Action after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that killed 20 children and six staff members, Truszkowski explained. “We’re a bunch of moms that are willing to do something about guns,” she said.
Truszkowski sees the issue of gun control gathering momentum on the campaign trail.
“Eight years ago, no politician would have brought the topic of guns up,” she said. “Now they’re touching on it at every stop.”