Exploring school security in Lahore, Pakistan

By Patrick Martin Reporting from Lahore, Pakistan “We have our own weapons too,” Rana Mohammad said as he unwrapped the cloth surrounding a long-barreled revolver which he keeps locked in his desk. This high school principal has the number for the local police, the Punjab Highway Patrol and the local army barracks displayed on his […]
American Industrial Chic: Caterpillar Lifestyle Apparel Launches in Pakistan

By Kat Lonsdorf and Patrick Martin KARACHI, PAKISTAN – Shanza Jamin, 23, stood in a bright yellow jumpsuit in the middle of Dolmen Mall Clifton, a multi-story trendy shopping mall on the banks of the Arabian Sea in Karachi, Pakistan. Nine other young women, all dressed in the same matching jumpsuit, gathered around her, sitting or […]